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Title: Present And Future Risks In A Gas Distribution Utility
Author: Sam Sokolow
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: There is an advertisement in a recent Wall Street Journal that shows a young boy camped out overnight in his backyard, a look of fear frozen on his face. The huge shadow of an unknown beast luking in the night is reflected against the side of his makeshift tent. In fact, the shadow belongs to the boys dog. It is distorted to a large size by the angle of the light creating the shadow. The caption on the advertisement teaAs-Risk. Its real size depends on your perspective. Risk remains among the more complex phenomena that we deal with as human beings, and that complexity carries over into the gas distribution industry. Under normal circumstances at a gas distribution conference, we would discuss physical risk and the ways to use economic principles to manage that risk. But that subject has been thoroughly covered in the past, and these are rather unusual times in the gas industry.

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