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Title: Mpfm Experience In Malaysia
Author: Zakiah Zakaria
Source: 2007 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: Malaysia have been involved in multiphase flow metering (MPFM) for about a decade, with 28 meters currently in the operation. These meters are installed topside and solely used for reservoir management and production monitoring purpose. The importance of well testing and the pro and cons of conducting the test in both conventional and MPFM means are discussed in this paper. The test separator philosophy is simple, easily understood and operated by the operation personnel. However the limitations of this device incorporate both the accuracy, practicality and the safety issues. On the other hand, since majority of the fields are considered as marginal and having minimum facilities, MPFM is more desirable both economically and practically due to its compact configuration and operation easiness. However it has some drawbacks in terms of reliability, conceptual complexity and sensitivity to input data and parameters. MPFM has benefit us is many ways, including significant reduction in facilitys space and dimension, lower costs and online data availability. However, we have also encountered some constraints and limitations through out our involvement. The problems are occurring in the operation stage and further highlighted during the analysis phase by the reservoir expertise. These problems are inclusive of the human factor, improper design of the meter, changes in the reservoirs behaviour and the reliability of the technology itself. We have resolved majority of these issues with both assistant and commitment from the suppliers and operators, but this interference is not favourable and disturbs the operation activities. In spite of drawbacks of MPFM in our experience, reverting back to the conventional test separator is neither the best solution. In the current and future application, MPFM remain as a better option provided that the expected accuracy in well testing as part of production monitoring and reservoir management is satisfied and the economics for the overall field development over the entire life cycle is encouraging. Nevertheless, conventional test separator still deems to be the alternative whenever there is no suitability for an MPFM installation.

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