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Title: Multiphase Metering In Siberian Gas And Condensate Wells Lessons- Learnt In Multiphase Well Testing Operations Since 2006
Author: Bertrand Theuveny, Sergey Rosmashkin, Valery Shako, Konstantin Rymarenko, Marat Nukhaev, Roman Shchelushkin
Source: 2009 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: Multiphase, Condensate, Gas, Multirate Test, Vx, Flowmeter, Well Testing, Yamal, Russia. Gazprom, Achimgaz, Rospan International, Condensate bank, Hydrate, Permafrost A number of multiphase flowmeters were recently deployed in the Yamal peninsula in Northern Siberia to perform multiphase measurements of the rates of gas and condensate wells. The utilization of multiphase flowmeters in wet gas and condensate wells is relatively new, and significant progress have been made in the understanding and the quantification of multiphase flowmeter uncertainties in flow loop. Little field experience is documented to date and this paper presents field data in this very challenging domain. The operating environment combines an exceptional set of constraints ranging from high Gas Volume Fraction (up to 99.5%), water and hydrates, a large permafrost zone, tough environmental regulations, and a range of logistical constraints including difficulty of access to remoteness and communication challenges. The paper describes the metrological evaluation of the full operations - not limiting itself to the dual energy gamma Venturi multiphase flowmeter that is being used, but also to the fluid property estimation. A discussion of the specific regulatory reporting in Russia for gas wells also presents some of the particularities of these operations. The paper presents the results of testing over 50 wells since 2006- comparison to traditional and other multiphase flow metering devices are presented. Some unexpected behavior of these condensate wells are presented - confirmed by other instruments, resulting in a series of recommendations that provide a significant modification to the traditional guidelines used for the measurements of rates of gas, condensate and water in similar wells. A brief discussion on the applicability of the multiphase measurements to condensate allocation workflows concludes the paper.

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