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Title: Production Equipment Effects On Orifice Gas Measurement
Author: Stormy Phillips
Source: 2015 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: he condition of gas as it presents itself in the pipeline is often not ideal for accurate m easurement, by an orifice flow meter. It is the requirement of the American Gas Association (AGA) that t he natural gas be in a single phase and with a swirl-free fully developed profile as it passes across the orifice plat e to meet the standard of measurement to provide accept able uncertainty for the flow calculation. Thus it is ofte n necessary to condition the gas prior to measurement. Using the basic laws of gases we can control these conditions by altering the temperature, pressure, or component makeup of the gas. Neglecting these conditions will create a poor measurement environment and inaccurate measurement. It is therefore necessary for measurement personnel to be familiar with common production equipment, how that eq ui pment is utilized and what effect it can have on the overall ability for a system to pr ovide accurate measurement

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