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Title: Importance Of Contaminant Availability In Establishing Risk-Based Environmentally Acceptable Endpoints Eaes() For Hydrocarbons In Soil
Author: David V. Nakles, Thomas Roose, Thomas D. Hayes
Source: American Gas Association 1997
Year Published: 1997
Abstract: The establishment of concentrations of hydrocarbons in soil that are protective of the environment and human health is central to the proper management of hydrocarboncontaminated sites in the gas industry. These environmentally acceptable endpoints (EAEs) are required to determine if a site requires any action and, if so, what degree of action may be necessary. The current methodologies for determining EAEs for hydrocarbon-contaminated soils assumes that all of the hydrocarbon that is measured in soil using standard EPA analytical techniques is available to groundwater and ecological or human receptors. This results in the determination of very conservative hydrocarbon concentrations. The Gas Research Institute (GRI) initiated a research project in late 1993 to investigate the availability of soil-bound hydrocarbons to the environment and to determine the impact of hydrocarbon availability on the determination of EAEs in soil.

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