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Title: Training For Field Measurement Personnel
Author: C. L. Rousseau
Source: 1978 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Good morning, John! John, you have been with our company almost three years now and for the last year you have been on a job that gave you experience In gauging tanks, turning wells on and off, and changing charts from time to time. You have also had an opportunity to observe the meter man as he performed his duties and maybe you have worked with him from time to time. What we really want to say is that the meter man that handled this area is no longer with us and we feel that you should be able to assume his responsibilities. This will be a 50.00 per month raise for you and we hope that you will accept this promotion. However, before you do, let us tell you what we will expect of you.

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