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Title: The Development Of And Initial Data From A New Multiphase Wet Gas Meter
Author: Alistair Collins Jin-Lin Hu Mark Tudge Carol Wade
Source: 2010 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: Over the last decade, Wet Gas flow metering has been a significant growth area in the Upstream Oil and Gas market. Wet Gas flow meters are now deployed world wide for hydrocarbon allocation, well testing and reservoir optimisation. Solartron ISA has over 20 years of experience successfully deploying the Dualstream range of Wet Gas meters into more than 200 gas fields. There have been previous papers at North Sea Flow Measurement Workshops detailing Dualstream 2 and other Solartron ISA developed technologies (see 1 to 8, for example). This paper provides an insight into the experience of developing a new Wet Gas flow meter - the Dualstream 3 - from initial concepts to a product ready for the marketplace

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