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Title: Nists Fully Dynamic Gravimetric Liquid Flowmeter Standard
Author: Jodie G. Pope Aaron N. Johnson James B. Filla Joey T. Boyd Christopher J. Crowley Vern E. Bean
Source: 2015 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: We describe a new dynamic, gravim etric, liquid flow standard (LFS) that determines flow by measuring the rate of change of the liquid mass accumulating in a collection tank. The LFS is a fully- automated,15 kg/s system that uses a pr oportional-integral-derivative (PID) control loop to achieve liquid flows with a stability that is the smaller of 0.001 % or 0.1 kg/s. The expanded uncertainty (corresponding to 95 % confidence level) is 0.021 % for the flow range of the standard 15 kg/s to 0.22 kg/s. We verify the uncertainty budget by comparing the LFS results with two well-established NIST primary flow standards.

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