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Title: Proper Construction, Installation And Operation Of Orifice Meters
Author: Edward Sackett
Source: 1939 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1939
Abstract: In former years, very little attention was paid to the design and upkeep of measuring stations in which gas was bought or sold in large quantities. The writer can remember when the proportional meter was the usual measuring device for this purpose, and for very large quantities of gas a battery of several Pitot tubes was used. These tubes were housed in a building, and the records of delivery obtained by sight reading of the differential water column. The readings were taken each quarter hour, and the gas volume calculated from teh pressure and differential readings. It kept the station operator busy almost continually, when he read his tubes each fifteen minues, figured up his delivery, made hourly reports, operated the gates, and answered the telephone on the side. Many of our prominent gas men served their apprenticeship in a tube station. When the tube station and proportional meters were supplanted by the orifice meter, very little was known concerning the requirements for accurate measuring.

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