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Title: The Effect of Pulsations On the Accuracy of Gas Metering
Author: Sarah Simons, Terry Grimley
Source: 2019 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: The recent boom in natural gas production has led to an increased need for gas compression infrastructure, including meter stations that can transport larger volumes of gas at higher velocities and pressures. When improperly designed, these meter stations can create poor conditions for accurate flow measurement. Among the factors that should be considered when developing a meter station are the static pressure environment (for pulsation minimization) and pulsation distortions of the velocity profile. Measurement accuracy can be improved through the understanding of the influence of these factors on various meter types and by identifying and mitigating potential sources. This paper is a survey paper composed of previously published material by current and previous employees of Southwest Research Institute: S. Simons, T. Grimley, R. McKee, R. Durke, E. Bowles, and K. Brun as noted in the reference section. This paper will discuss the basics of pulsations in piping systems, various methods for attenuating pulsations, and the effect on orifice, turbine, ultrasonic, and Coriolis meter readings. Field case studies of different types of problems experienced at meter stations will be used to demonstrate these effects.

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