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Title: River Crossings With 88.9 mm Plastic Pipe By The Direct Burial Method
Author: Brian R. Hahn
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: In the summer of 1985, Canadian Western Natural Gas Company Limited, an investor-owned utility serving southern Alberta, saved 200,000 CDN while installing three major river crossings to expand its service territory. The savings resulted from the use of the direct burial ploughing technique to install 88.9 mm (3 inch nominal size) polyethylene pipe at an invert of 2.0 metres (6 ft.) beneath the river bed. The river crossings were required as part of the installation of over 240 kilometres (150 miles) of intermediate pressure (550 kPag, 80 psig) gas mains and service lines to serve some 4(X)+ new customers on the Blackfoot Indian Reserve.

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