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Title: Fundamentals Of Gas Pressure Regulation
Author: J. m. Kruse
Source: 1992 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 1992
Abstract: Gas pressure regulation is the control of the media flow by maintaining a desired media pressure while reducing the media supply pressure to a desired delivery level. The regulation of natural gas is the most common media controlled and delivered to consumers all over the world. The basic regulator could be an operator at a control valve watching a pressure gauge. The valve is manually opened to allow the line pressure to achieve the desired gauge setting. The operator visually monitors the gauge and either opens or closes the valve to maintain the desired pressure. The problem with this type of system is it would require full-time operators for daily operation and continuous monitoring of the gauge. The regulator products on the market do not monitor the gauge however, via monitoring the delivery pressure, they do automatically control the outlet pressure at an established value.

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