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Title: Methods Of Rating Gas Wells
Author: Marion D. Spoelstra
Source: 1966 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: The various tests that may be performed on gas wells have been adequately covered in some detail in previous short courses by qualified persons who are closely associated with such testing in their daily occupations. This paper will be concerned with the application of some of these tests in rating gas wells for the specialized purposes that arise in com-. pletion, marketing, and operation. The mechanics of the actual testing and the calculations involved in interpreting the data taken are generally well known and will be mentioned only where they are necessary to illustrate the subject under discussion. The common acceptance of the multiple-point back pressure test and the accompanying one-point stabilized flow test, often called a deliverability test, are due to their flexibility in application to a wide range of uses in solving problems inherent in the natural gas industry. In displacing older methods of testing they have not necessarily invalidated them, as they may be well suited for certain purposes and may be the most convenient, rapid, and economical means of obtaining desired information. It is essential that the valid uses and the limitations of a certain type of test be understood by the person taking the test and the person who applies the results.

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