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Title: Metrology Challenges In Egypt, Overview And Progress
Author: Mamdouh Halawa
Source: 2008 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: In modern society, metrology is a hidden infrastructure, that affects most human activities. The national measurement system of Egypt instituted 3000 years B.C. and re-instituted in the first decade of the twentieth-century to take its formal modern shape when National Institute for Standards (NIS) was established in 1963. This article provides an overview of the recent progress on metrology in Egypt with emphasis, for example, on the electrical metrology. Several domains in which metrology play a vital role in different sectors in Egypt are presented. The article is also subjected to highlight the Egyptian exerted efforts to support the metrologists and developers in Egypt to face the global needs in that domain. Some of the international projects in electrical metrology, for example, to meet the needs of providing traceable metrology and calibration support for modern industry, are briefly focused here.

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