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Title: Quiet Pavement Breaking Research And Development At The Institute Of Gas Technology
Author: George m. Long
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: This paper reports the institute of Gas Technologys research and development work on three nonconventional and quieter ways of breaking concrete pavement-namely, plasma torch cutting, microwave cracking and microwave cracking aided by a highpressure water jet. The work, done under the sponsorship of gas distribution utilities, covers a 10-year span from 1962 to 1972. The most recent method microwave cracking aided by a high-pressure water jet-has the potential of being quieter than conventional methods, of creating no shock to underlying or adjacent facilities and of raising no dust. Its water use is minimal, and its power consumption and production rates are estimated as equal or better than conventional large boom-mounted breakers.

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