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Title: Inspection, Maintenance And Rebuild Procedures Of Aerial Manlift Devices
Author: Victor N. Farhi
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: We owe to Latin and to French the origin of the words to inspect and to maintain. Whereas the former merely means to look into, the other signifies the act of holding at hand or keeping securely. Surely the words are as old as history. One precedes the other. Both demand the exercise of discipline, and neither is always heeded. The economic and financial necessities of today compel the preservation of capital investment in equipment. Aerial devices are no exception. In these days of surging inflation, and of the weakening purchasing power of the dollar, it would not be uncommon to have a tidy sum tied up with the acquisition of a package consisting of a vehicle, a line body, and an aerial device.

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