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Title: Turnkey Compressor Station Construction
Author: John D. Kobasa
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: During the past several years, Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Company has completed its rather extensive horsepower expansion programs via the turnkey method. As a result of this experience, we have developed a number of opinions in regards to the concept and a procedure for its satisfactory implementation. Prior to 1967, Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Companys usual practice in any horsepower expansion program was to select and purchase engines, acquire the services of a design contractor and, more likely than not, have the design contractor either perform or manage the installation work. In 1967 Michigan Wisconsin constructed its first compressor station under the turnkey concept. Since that initial installation of 9,000 horsepower, we have installed more than 317,000 horsepower via the turnkey method. Of this total, 249,000 horsepower were installed as additions to existing facilities and 68,000 horsepower as new stations. As a part of our 1972 expansion program. we are adding 32.600 horsepower at three locations on a turnkey basis.

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