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Title: A Logarithmic Method For Use With Low Pressure Flow Provers
Author: H. V. Beck
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: One of Ihe major objections to the low piessuic flow prover has been that its use requires too many look-ups and field calculations--which are often made out at the fork of the creeks, where machine calculators and conventional laboratory facilities are not available. It is coinmon knowledge however, that some variables have only a slight--almost straight line-effect (such as barometric pressure and flowing temperature), while others-such as differential pressure and test time, have a major effect. If one were to confine the operation to vacuum flow proving-to achieve temperature uniformity, and use pipe tap differentials-so that no correction need be made for downstream pressure recovery, the operation would be simplified considerably. If we were then to go back to Ihe use of logarithms-which many of us studied in grade school and promptly discarded, the operation could be made even more simple-without any loss of accuracy.

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