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Title: Program For Training A Gas Measurement Technician
Author: Jimmy Galyean
Source: 2011 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2011
Abstract: Although the concept of having a program for training a Gas Measurement Technician is not new, the ever changing contour of the natural gas industry creates challenges for the companies involved, but even more so for the technicians who takes care of the measurement equipment out in the field. Technicians today must be able to retain technical expertise in order to support antiquated equipment while continuously expanding the knowledge required to install, operate and maintain advanced technologies. Since electronic equipment has became more sophisticated, in addition to being the equipment of choice, remaining proficient is an ongoing challenge. Technicians today not only have to install, operate and maintain measurement equipment but may also be responsible for other equipment such as regulation and control, odorization, gas quality, communications and in some cases facility maintenance. Even with these added responsibilities the expectations of having quality measurement, regardless of the equipment being used remains the same. Providing technicians the necessary training they need is extremely imperative

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