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Title: Well Capacities
Author: E. m. Tignor
Source: 1936 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1936
Abstract: One of the important phases of the present day gas industry is the matter of well capacities. With the expansion this business has experienced during the last few years and the construction of long transmission systems, it has become of more and more vital importance to have an accurate check on the amount of gas available for peak conditions. Of course the matter of load factor is coincident with the efficient operation of a gas system, but as that is another phase it will not be gone into in this paper. The duty of the public utility business is to give service, and the gas pipeline companies must furnish their customers with ga.s as contracted for and obviously must know what the wells connected to the system will do in operation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss briefly some of the various methods of well capacity determination, pointing out the advantages and fallacies of the methods discussed.

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