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Title: WAR STORIES : Solving Complex Process Analyzer Problems in the Field Working on Gas Chromatographs & Tape Systems
Author: Erik Budlong
Source: 2019 Western Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: Process analyzers are instruments used to continuously monitor gas or liquid streams. Instead of periodically manually taking a grab sample for testing in the lab, the analyzer provides real-time data that can be transmitted to a data acquisition system (DCS). This non-stop measurement sequence helps optimize process control and instantly detects unexpected upsets. In addition to improving product quality and safety, operators can also ensure environmental compliance. The oil and gas industry employs a wide range of process analyzers throughout the value chain from upstream drilling to downstream distribution. Analyzers utilize specific technologies required to perform the measurement (eg. H 2 S) of interest. Operators face the challenge of becoming knowledgeable with how each of these technologies work. This knowledge is critical for keeping their analyzers online and working properly. If this wasnt difficult enough, plants and pipelines often have the same type (eg. gas chromatograph) of analyzer purchased from several manufacturers. Each manufacturers analyzer follows the same theory of operation, but can vary in components and user interface. On top of that, operators are frequently reassigned to a new station, which means they have very little time to get caught up to speed on a new analyzer. They just hope nothing bad happens under their watch.

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