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Title: U. S. Measurement Activities In ISO/OIML
Author: Elizabeth A. Bridgman
Source: 1978 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: To a casual observer of the world economic scene, the role and importance of the International Orgnmnntion fot QLaiuldidiiaillou (ISO) may go unnoticed. However, for an industry like petroleum which is heavily enjtagad in international trade, the benefits In be gdined from active involvement in ISOs international standardization process are tremendous. Perhaps the greatest of these benefits is improved communication. For example, an American petroleum company dealing with production in the Middle East, refining in the United States and marketing throughout the world needs to be sure that these widespread groups can communicate effectively, in spite of the fact that thry nrr concerned with highly technical eiibjont matter. ISO International Standards provide the mechanism for such communication. They also enable industry to achieve greater efficiency and higher product quality. Fortunately these benefits have not gone unnoticed by the U, S. petroleum and natural gas industries.

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