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Title: Nox And Emission Testing On Water Heaters
Author: Bodh R. Subherwal
Source: American Gas Association 1981
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: In recent years emphasis has been on the fact that NOx emissions be reduced on residential Water Heaters. Research and Development departments of various gas utility companies have invested lots of time and money to make the application of available and new technology to these appliances so as to accomplish low NOx emissions which can meet the proposed emission standards of various state and federal agencies. At BR, a methodology for monitoring emissions on residential appliances has been developed. Substantial test work has been conducted on various conventional and newly developed appliances to establish the reliability of monitoring the NOx emissions. It has been observed that there is a definite relationship between the recovery efficiency and the NOi emissions produced by an appliance. Appliances with low NO, emissions have higher recovery efficiency.

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