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Title: Basics Of High Pressure- Measuring And Regulating Station Design
Author: James N. Witte
Source: 2015 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: his paper present s a review of criteria necessary for designing high -pressure natural gas measuring and regulating stations. For the purpose of this discu ssion , high pressure is assumed to be gauge pressure values above typical distribution mainline pressures (greater than 60 psig) . T herefore, it is most applicable to station designs with gathering, midstream, and transmission operations. The design engineer has many factors to consider wh en designing a metering facility. These factors mu st include considerations for their impact on measurement accuracy, facility capital cost, e nvironmenta l stewardship, public stewardship , and long -term maintenance cost. The successful designer wil l seek to achieve high accuracy at an appropriate capital cost , while minimizing the risks of environmental hazards, public nuisance , suc h as noise, and maintenance requirements

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