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Title: Economics Of Electronic Gas Measurement
Author: Tom Cleveland
Source: 2016 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: When a new technology comes along that has the potential to make the existing technology obsolete, there is a time lag before the new technology becomes the norm. During the 1970s and 1980s, EGM was new, chart recorders had been the norm for decades, and skepticism of the new technology was high. Back office measurement departments were staffed up with chart integration equipment and experts to run it. Technicians and well operators in the field were accustomed to seeing a nice graphical picture of the meters flowing variables and typically were trained on how to calculate flow rates and volumes by hand just from looking at the chart. The technicians became experts in calibrating the chart recorders and everyone was in a nice comfort zone. The transition to a major change of technology, such as EGM, was not going to happen overnight!

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