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Title: Waste Heat Economic Opportunities
Author: Jack Gault
Source: American Gas Association 1981
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: Energy use in the United Stales is divided among four market sectors: electric, transportation, residential/commercial, and industrial. The industrial sector is responsible for about 25% of the present total energy consumption, with projections for 1995 indicating growth to approximately 34%. At present, 68% of the industrial energy use is for heal generation in industrial processes, with this figure also expected to increase. Among the many alternate energy technologies currently under development, the production of steam and electricity utilizing waste heat recovery systems appears to offer good potential to supply the industrial sector. The conversion of waste heat to steam and eiectriciiy is a proven state-of-the-art technology however, the technical and cost readiness of wasteheat energy recovery from gas compressor stations has yet to be clearly demonstrated to potential industrial system users. The establishment of an acceptable confidence level in performance requires the installation and operation of multiple identical systems. Cost and system reliability considerations require minimizing the oneof- a-kind, or site tailored engineering associated with each waste heat recovery installation.

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