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Title: An Approach To Performing A Process Capability Study In An Automated Testing Environment
Author: D. Bruce Galloway
Source: 2005 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2005
Abstract: Taking a process view of automated testing, this paper presents a variety of analyses, some familiar and some novel, that my be applied to the analysis of the resulting test data. Traditional SPC analyses of individual measurements and moving range are contrasted with X bar and R analyses. The individuals charts are shown to be more prone to type I error than the X bar and R charts when the data set used is all of the available data. Given this situation, an approach to determine a reasonable trade off between type I error and a reasonable sample size and frequency is presented using operating characteristic curves and the concept of rational subgroups. An algorithm for automating part of the process is suggested. Once the data has been appropriately sampled, implementation of the Western Electric Company rules for sensitizing the control charts is presented along with approaches for automating the analysis. Having determined statistical control, various summary statistics are computed for each sample including capability estimates and failure rate prediction. An approach that can be easily automated is presented that allows you to determine which samples behave well and which do not. Follow on steps for establishing a robust SPC program for automated test systems are suggested.

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