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Title: What Is A Cubic Foot- The Development Of A Volumetric Standard
Author: Joseph A. Bonner
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: This paper describes the procedures used to develop an in-house volumetric standard for a wide range of pressures and flow rates. A turbine meter is calibrated against a liquid seal bell prover, and along with diree other meters similarly calibrated, is crosscalibrated to higher flow rates. The resulting secondary standards are calibrated to 900 psig and flow rates above 2.5 million cubic feet per hour of air. The calibration thus achieved has been correlated with calibrations from other facilities and using other techniques. The results of the calibration procedure and other work is presented. A proposed field proving device utilizing a turbine meter is described, citing its advantages as a field calibration device.

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