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Title: Uncertainty In Flow Gas Measurement Systems With Ultrasonic Meters
Author: Felipe Matuzenetz Marinho
Source: 2015 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: Although there are, in many countries, uncertainty ranges acceptable by law and by contracts signed in fiscal metering of natural gas, in many cases is not defined the methodology for calculation of this uncertainty. These data, in addition t o verify the certainty of the measurement, can be used in management decisions in equipment and process applications. This paper applied the methodology shown in GUM (JCGM, 2008), mapping the uncertainties involved in the metrological process. In the analy sis were verified several parameters that are normally discarded such as the differences between the calibration and process conditions, errors due the heat transfer between the pipe and the thermowell, variations in atmospheric pressure, and chromatograph ic uncertainty.

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