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Title: Fundamental Principles Of Regulation
Author: J. C. Deihl
Source: 1934 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1934
Abstract: When the first natural gas lines were built, the companies experience considerable difficulty in obtaining satisfactory pipe fittings and means of controlling pressure. In 1886 the use of natural gas was new, and was approached with great caution by the gas companies and with trepidation by the house holder. A pamphlet published at that time by a company illustrates this. It starts with wood cuts of the house regulators which were intended to control the pressure which at that time had a pleasing habit of changing from zero to roaring out of the chimney. Then follows a list of company surgeons to be called in case of explosions and that public was notified that cotton and oil were kept at the company station for first air in case of burns. This article forcibly emphasized the need which existed for satisfactory regulators.

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