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Title: Determination Of Hydrocarbon Dew Point Using A Gas Chromatograph
Author: Shane Hale
Source: 2007 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: The determination of the Hydrocarbon Dew Point (HCDP) for Natural Gas has recently become a critical issue for the Natural Gas industry due to the rapid expansion of interconnecting pipelines and the rise of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as an international source of Natural Gas. Where previously the Natural Gas in a pipeline would come from a small number of known producers, the Natural Gas flowing through the pipeline today could have come from many varied sources including traditional Gas Plant producers (De-hydration, CO2/N2 control and removal of Condensates), Coal Bed Methane producers (98% Methane), low cost producers (De-Hydration only) or global exporters of LNG. Economic factors have also played a role in the changing quality of the gas. As the Natural Gas prices have increased, producers who have previously stripped the heavier components out of the gas to produce condensates have realized a greater return by leaving the higher energy value heavy Components in the export Natural Gas.

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