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Title: Determination Of Water Vapor Content And Hydrocarbon Dew Point In Natural Gas
Author: Arthur R. Laughlin
Source: 1976 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1976
Abstract: In order to make determinations of either water vapor or hydrocarbon dew point it is helpful to know the following: A. That the sample being tested is the same as that at the sample source. (If it originates from a pipeline or vessel, has any of the molecules dropped out as liquid into the sample line system?) B. That the sample rate flowing through the sample line is sufficient to be the same gas as the pipeline or vessel and is flowing at the proper rate for the instrument that is used as the testing device. C. That the sample line being used is of a material that does not adsorb or absorb any of the molecules in the sample. (Stainless steel and glass are two of the better materials for sampling.) D. That the temperature conditions of the sample line and test apparatus are such that condensation of the molecules does not take place.

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