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Title: Operations And Measurement In Base Load LNG Terminals
Author: Wayne Christian
Source: 1976 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1976
Abstract: In November, 1956 the Hassi RMel field was discovered approximately 315 miles southeast of Arzew, Algeria in the Sahara Desert. The field first produced in April, 1961 and had an estimated recoverable reserve of 61.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. On October 9, 1969 El Paso Natural Gas Company signed a contract with Sonatrach of Algeria for the purchase of the LNG equivalent of 1000 MMSCFD of natural gas to be delivered to the United States over a 25 year period. On March 30. 1971 Southern Natural Gas Company (Southern Energy Company) signed a contract with El Paso Natural Gas Company (El Paso Algeria Corporation) to purchase 350 MMSCFD of gas to be delivered at Savannah. Georgia. The remaining 650 MMSCFD will be purchased by Columbia-Consolidated LNG Corporation for delivery at Cove Point. Maryland.

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