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Title: The Flow Calorimeter
Author: Sylvan Cromer
Source: 1936 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1936
Abstract: When the natural gas industry was in its infancy, meters were unknown. The customer merely paid a flat rate for the privilege of attaching his appliances to the gas system. Naturally some consumers used more gas than others, and to allow each consumer to pay his portion of the cost of producing and transporting the gas. the meter was developed. With this system the customer buys his gas by the cubic foot. Obviou-sly this would be just to everyone concerned but for the fact that more heat is developed by the combustion of a cubic foot of some gases than is developed by others. For this reason many large consumers now buy gas. not by the cubic foot, but by the number of heat units the gas will produce when burned. Although many companies do not determine the heating value of gas for rate purposes, careful surveys of the various sources of supply should be made to allow gas of a uniform heating value to be distributed. This is true because experimental results show that a burner regulated to burn a gas of, say 1000 B.t.u. perfectly, will not give efficient combustion without readjustment on gas with a heating value of 1100 B.t.u. This results in complaints from the customers, which cause excessive service costs.

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