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Title: New Field Employee Orientation And Familiarization Program
Author: J. Theo Fortson
Source: American Gas Association 1980
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Texas Gas, like many other gas transmission companies, expanded its facilities almost yearly during the fifties and early sixties. Much of the minor construction and upgrade work was performed by company personnel. The work crews grew to provide this manpower and when the expansion programs ended we found ourselves with more employees than were actually needed to handle the routine operating and maintenance work. Management made the decision that no one would be laid off and the work force would be reduced gradually through normal attrition. This meant, of course, that we would have a zero hiring policy for some time. Well, that some time lasted for several years up to the mid-seventies, in fact, when we started a hiring program to build up the field operating crews. We were now getting more people to help get the job done, but these people were creating new problems. Our original labor force had been built with service veterans who gained know-how through service training and with good old farm boys who grew up knowing how to work. What these employees needed to know when they came to work, they learned from the supervisor and/or fellow employees. We didnt have a formal training program for them.

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