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Title: Development And Implementation Of A Mini Computer For Field Gaugers
Author: David L. West
Source: 1986 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: The age of computerization has been revolutionizing the way companies have been able to gather, process and report data pertinent to their operations. Computerized data management systems have enabled companies to enter data into computer systems at the source. For a number of companies, this data is initiated in the field by an employee. This is true for salesmen and is also true for oil field gaugers. Oust as a salesman will write a sales order in the field, an oil field gauger will write a crude oil ticket for the sale or purchase of crude oil. In the case of the gauger, the handwritten ticket would probably be sent to that companys district or headquarters office where the ticket data would be entered for processing in the companys computer system. Hopefully, the ticket would be legible, properly completed, and correctly entered. By now, the ticket data has been handled multiple times which poses the following problems:

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