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Title: Design, Operation & Maintenance Of Lact Units
Author: Christopher Levy
Source: 2011 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2011
Abstract: Reliable hydrocarbon transportation from supply to demand is among the most critical factors in sustaining our way of life. When entering or exiting a transportation network, hydrocarbons are measured for environmental protection and accounting systems. A Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) Unit is a metering point at a lease or production facility through which hydrocarbons are being measured, while unattended, for sale from one party, such as a production company, to another party, such as a pipeline company. The purpose of the LACT Unit is to determine the volume of hydrocarbons injected into a transportation network. The term LACT Unit is predominantly used to refer to a unit at a production facility that automatically measures crude oil being injected into a pipeline system or storage terminal prior to downstream delivery to a refinery for processing however, much of the content covered in this paper applies universally to hydrocarbon flow metering.

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