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Title: Natural Gas Sampling Uncertainties And Economics
Author: David. Wofford
Source: 2003 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: The. precise, measurement of natural, gas is a subject of continuing study and discussion.. The impact of the. precise measurement of gas. quality and. composition is. often considered to. only effect the thermal value of the measured quantity, of gas. This idea, however, is far from. accurate.. The. precise, measurement of natural gas flow rates (quantity) is dependent upon the precise measurement of the composition. of the natural gas product stream. (quality)... These. measurements, of quantities, and. thermal values are considered in terms, of acceptable levels, of measurement uncertainty. In other words, a level of variance exists around. the point of absolute, accuracy which is considered acceptable. to. those, who are. party to. the transfer of the. product from the custody. of one to another... Thus, the term custody transfer. quality measurement implies that the. determined, quantity and. total energy content of the. product exchanged between parties are within these, levels of acceptable, variance, or uncertainty, from the. absolute point of accuracy, or zero. uncertainty.

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