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Title: Devices For Moisture Measurement In Natural Gas
Author: William R. Barnes
Source: 1988 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: Im sure most of you know more about the se units than Ill ever know however, 1 would like to present this paper with an open discussion of iiome of the symptoms and various checks of the unit . Also, I would like to discuss a sample system which has proven to prolong eel!, life in most cases. One gallon of water weighs approximately seven pound:. Try and disperse this in a room 100 f t . high , 100 f t . long and 100 f t. wide . This is a million cubic feet . This is very dry as compared with the surrounding atmosphere , usually 100% humidity . The most this analyzer will read is 1/10 of 1%. The seven pounds is what most gas contracts a rewritten around , so the moisture determination is very critical and a very good sample method must be used to get a good representative sample to the analyzer . The analyzer only reads what you deliver to the unit.

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