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Title: Development Of A Reciprocating Double - Pistons Gas Prover
Author: Zhi-Peng Xu Jia-Yin Dai Hui-Yun Chen Dai-Liang Xie
Source: 2015 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: Piston prover is widely used as a standard gas flow device for its advantages of high accuracy in standard volume, flow stability and repeatability . T he applic ations of the conventional piston provers are limited by the maximum calibration flow generated by the piston cylinder volume. I n the current paper, a reciprocating double - pistons gas prover was proposed, which can provide a continuous standard flow to cal ibrate meters like critical nozzles and so on. There are two pistons within the proposed prover, which could be operated in three modes: single - piston mode, double - pistons parallel mode and double - pistons reciprocating mode

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