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Title: Advantages Of Utility Equipment Standardization
Author: Frederic G. Davis
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Last year at the A.G.A.-EEI meeting in Philadelphia we discussed ihe merits of using manufacturers standard bodies in public utilities. Considered at that time were the vehicle manufacturers, Dodge, Ford, Chevrolet, International, etc. The vehicles discussed were the compact van and walkin lype units, as they could be and are used in our business. This year the Planning Committee for this meeting thought we might extend last years thinking and investigate ihe possibility of using standard bodies as constructed by the equipment manufacturers. Naturally, to be of value to us in the industry, these bodies would have (o have a considerable number of advantages. Advantages that would outweigh the possible disadvantages that would probably be found by the supervisors and crew to whom these units would be assigned, Im sure all of you at one time or another have delivered to a crew a new vehicle that you thought had every conceivable nook, cranny and crevice only to find that this particular crew could only work if the left-hand crevices were on the right-hand side. Or, maybe it was the righthand cranny that should have been on the left-hand side.

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