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Title: Differential Meters Other Than Orifice
Author: Kenneth Reed, III
Source: 2016 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: Cone meters differ from other differential pressure type meters, such as o rifice meters and Venturi meters, basically , by design only. They are all required to meet American Petroleum Institute ( API ) Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS), Chapter 22.2 (entitled Testing Protocol for Differential Pressure Flow Meter Devices) test criteria developed and published in 2005 and still being updated today. The c one meter is designed to measure liquid or gas. Cone meters are proprietary in design and have limited third -party testing due to patented designs and length of use in the Industry. The orifice meter is the oldest meter of the three that we will discuss and has the most third -party flow lab test data available. The Venturi meter , histor ically, has mostly been utilized for liquids and steam. The Venturi is also known to preform very well in harsh flows, such as sewage, wastewater , and pulp due to its free flowing design. In recent years , Venturis are more commonly being used for liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) and compressed natural gas ( CNG) due to the ability to construct them from a wide variety of materials

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