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Title: The Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety And Health Act Of 1970
Author: Basil Needham
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: When President Richard Nixon signed into law the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, he called it one of the most important pieces of legislation . . . ever passed by the Congress of the United States. On the same occasion. Secretary of Labor J. D. Hodgson called the Williams- Steiger Act another piece of landmark legislation in the area of worker protection. Few other laws in recent years have stirred so much interest or inspired so much discussion. There are many reasons for all of this attention. The Act is the most comprehensive law ever designed for insuring safe and healthful conditions in the American workplace. From the point of view of the 57 million working Americans covered by the Act. it is indeed a landmark. Aside from their homes, the workplace is primarily where they spend their time. This Act provides the federal government with an instrument to support, encourage and carry forward into new areas the safety and health activities which American industry has been pioneering for nearly 60 years.

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