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Title: Operational experience with virtual flow measurement technology
Author: Jean Paul Couput Najla Laiani Vanessa Richon
Source: 2017 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2017
Abstract: Since many years, operators have been using various multiphase and wet gas metering techniques. One of the reasons for implementing multiphase metering solutions was to replace test separator for topside and onshore applications as well as to develop subsea tie-ins by installing individual multiphase metering systems on each well. This has allowed to reduce development costs and to improve production optimization through continuous monitoring. In parallel so called virtual meters combining simple pressure & temperature measurements with flow model equations have been also evaluated and used with variable degree of success. The interest for virtual flow measurement has been re enforced recently with need to optimize metering schemes as well as to find out alternatives or complement to conventional multiphase meters (MPFM ) and wet gas flow meters ( WGFM ) for flow determination .

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