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Title: Gas Hydrates And Their Relation To Pipe-Line Operation
Author: W. m. Deaton
Source: 1936 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1936
Abstract: The plugging of natuial-gas pipe lines due to freezing is one of the many problems of the natural-gas industry. It is not a new problem but one with which all pipe-line operators are familiar, and is so important that many companies go to considerable trouble and expense to eliminate or minimiae the freezing hazard. This commonplace difticulty has lately been receiving special attention by the natural-gas industry for it has recently been shown by investigators that such freeze-ups are not always due to ordinary ice formation but oftentimes to the formation of solid compounds termed hydrocarbon hydrates. It has been found that these aoilds may be formed in high-pressure pipe lines at temperatures far above the normal ice point, 32 fahrenheit.

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