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Title: Measurement Of Gas At The Well
Author: Fay C. Walters
Source: 1929 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1929
Abstract: The subject of this discussion, as it appears on the program, Measurement of Gas From Well to Consumer, was of such scope that it was feared generalities only could be covered by the paper and by the discussions. The chairman of the program committee approved a reduction of the assignment to include only, T h e Measurement of Gas at the Well. In discussing this subject, it is my intention not to dwell on the meters themselves, but to consider the handling of the gas itself as it is brought to the meter and to sketch briefly several methods as practiced in Oklahoma. There are also several questions T desire to bring bctore you fori discussion, if time permits. I earnestly request that you stop me at any time for questions or discussions.

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