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Title: Lda Measurements In High-Pressure Gas Pipelines
Author: H. Gehlhaar, B. Nath
Source: Flomeko 2000
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: In industrial gas volume measurement, the reliable, precise, and economically efficient determination of the gas quantities by measurement is of utmost importance. Standby meter sections, Z-connection, and permanent series connection of two gas meters of different designs represent the state of the art. The permanent or temporary series connection for the comparison and test sections require expenses for a the establishment of a second complete measuring device. An alternative at present is the dismounting of the gas meter and checking it in an highpressure test facility. A test according to requirements, using a non-interfering measuring instrument which should be portable, if possible, and usable with other gas meters, can be a bridge between these two options. To prove this, measurements with an LDA system were carried out in a natural gas high-pressure pipeline upstream of a turbine gas meter. After extensive profile and single-point measurements have been made, it can be said that this test using the single-point method is feasible with an uncertainty of 0.5%, providing that certain prerequisites are met.

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