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Title: Lpg Terminal Operations And Measurement
Author: Blake Stinson
Source: 2014 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2014
Abstract: Surely one of the most difficult liquid petroleum products to store, handle, and measure with accuracy is natural gas liquid, or NGL. Historically thought of as a nuisance byproduct, many companies within the petroleum industry once ignored this product and the attention to detail that it requires. With todays ever expanding natural gas production, increasing volumes of NGL are demanding further consideration. In addition, as each penny of the industry becomes pinched, more companies are realizi ng the profit and extended cash flow that NGLs can produce. Natural gas liquids present several obstacles when trying to stor e, transport, and accurately measure the product. Most of the components t hat make up natural gas liquids are in a gaseous state at atmospheric conditions, and thus create the largest misunderstanding of the product.

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