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Title: Investigation Into Flow Rate Dependency Of Small Volume Prover For Hydrocarbon Flowmeters
Author: Takashi Shimada Ryouji Doihara Yoshiya Terao
Source: 2015 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: A small volume prover (SVP) has been calibrated using some commercial and mechanical flowmeters, namely, turbine meters and positive displacement flowmeters, which have been calibrated using the primary standard for hydrocarbon flow measurement in Japan, in order to investigate the performance of the SVP. The deviations of the calibration factor s of the SVP are within 0.1 % although they were changed by repair of the SVP. Furthermore, the calibration factors of the SVP are dependent on the flow rates through the SVP, while it is independent from the types of flowmeters and the flow rates through the flowmeters, which were set in parallel. These results indicate that the SVP sho uld be calibrated in the all flow rate range instead of a constant displacement of volume in order to achieve a lower uncertainty

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