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Title: Domestic And High Capacity Positive Displacement Diaphragm Meters
Author: D. D. Paul
Source: 1975 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: In the early days of the gas industry, gas was used primarily for lighting and for a relatively few number of customers. At that time, many gas companies did without metering by charging the customers a flat rate and by trying to anticipate the amount of gas required to satisfy the customers. As the gas industry expanded, however, this became an inefficient and often costly procedure. Customers charged on a flat rate basis often took advantage of the fact, using the gas as a heat source and also by tampering with the lights in order to get the most for their money. These problems not only contributed to a loss in revenue to the gas companies but also made it very difficult to determine the amount of gas required to sustain an adequate supply. As a result of these problems, it became increasingly important to the gas companies to find some mechanism that would measure precisely and reliably the amount of gas that was delivered to a customer. In order to be an effective billing implement, it had to receive the respect and confidence of the customers and in order to be economically feasible, it had to be inexpensive to purchase and then extremely inexpensive to maintain. These reauirements gave rise to the development of the gas meter industry and specifically to the extensive use of the positive displacement diaphragm meters. Over the years sin,* the early 1900s, positive displacement diaphragm meters have developed into a remarkable combination of economy, reliability, and durability and have, therefore, very satisfactorily answered the needs of the gas industry.

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